
Digestive Support Soft Chews

your price: $27.95
member price: $25.16
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120 soft chews

About this product

These Digestive Support Soft Chews were specially formulated to be chock full of a proprietary blend of probiotics & enzymes known to support improvements in digestion & gut health, as well as aiding in a broad range of other health benefits for your pup including: improvement of immunity, skin & coat, and reducing allergy symptoms.

Product Details

Made with a no water, no pressure, no heat process allows these chews to maintain their full integrity, viability and flavor profile of all ingredients.

Natural Rapport

Humans behind the brand


Natural Rapport is primally different. We went back to Mother Nature’s tool kit and developed uncomplicated pet essentials — uninterrupted by needless meddling and processes. What you see is what you get, but we’re anything but basic...

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