How to Walk Two Dogs at Once With Loose Leashes
Step 8 of 8 in the Dogly Walking Channel
with Tressa Fessenden-McKenzie of PathandPaw, Training Advocate

Yes, leash walking two dogs can be doubly difficult, but with training, also twice the fun!

Teaching one dog to walk politely on a loose leash can already be challenging, but for dog owners with two dogs, adding another dog (or more) to the mix, things can get crazy fast! So how can we best work on loose leash walking with two dogs or, for dog lovers with multiple dogs, with small groups of dogs? 

Here are 5 tips to help dog owners walk two dogs nicely together using good leash manners:


Tip 1: Picture your set-up ahead of time for walking two dogs

(Planning ahead is the secret weapon of dog trainers!)

One of the most useful things I was ever taught in my KPA certification was the value of planning in dog training. Getting a clear picture of not only what you want, but how you plan to get there, is huge and can help us be much more clear and specific with our training. When it comes to walking two dogs, the mechanics become really important. The last thing you want is juggling two leashes/two dogs on the fly and ending up with a tangled mess!

Where do you want one dog and the other? How will you reinforce each dog - specifically which hand will be delivering treats and where? What equipment will you use? Remember, no retractable leashes!

Try this

Make a plan. Write down what you want from your walk. Which side of your body will each dog be on? Will you have a treat pouch? Which hand will hold the leashes and which hand will reward the dogs for good behavior on your walk? What if one dog pulls? Visualize the walk and write down every step to make it a success.

Tip 2: Make the most of your equipment - think through the right dog leashes for you

Holding one leash in each hand is really limiting for me. As a positive reinforcement trainer, being able to deliver reinforcement is really important! So I like to use a waist leash. This leash has clips on both ends, so one end is clipped to the dog, the other is wrapped around my waist and then clipped to itself. For the second dog, I use a four foot leash. I insert the waist leash into the hand loop of the shorter leash before I clip it around my waist, so that the second dog is also attached to me. This provides each dog with a similar length of leash. 

This isn’t the best set-up for everyone!

Okay, tell me more

For me, I feel that having the dogs attached to my mid-body is comfortable and I feel confident in my balance. Some people may feel unsafe with the same set-up, depending on the size and temperament of their dogs, and their own balance. The point is not to do as I do, but rather to figure out what works best for you. 

Try this

Figure out which equipment is best for you when walking two dogs. You could use a leash splitter or dog leash coupler - this is a little two-pronged doodad that you clip on your leash. These types of items generally keep the dogs in pretty close proximity, and since they’re attached to one another the movement of one affects the other, so this is only appropriate for dogs who are super comfortable with one another. If not, you'll find that dogs dislike couplers if they're not at ease with each other and have a similar walking style.

You could even just hold both leashes in one hand if that seems easiest.


Tip 3: Whatever you choose, try it out BEFORE you try to walk two dogs at once

I know that sounds silly, but miming how you plan to hold the equipment and deliver the treats will be way easier without excited pups in the picture. At first, until you practice, it's surprising how awkward it can feel until you know which hand is handling dogs vs treats and it becomes something you can do naturally in the moment.

Try this

Before putting the leashes on your two dogs, practice holding the leashes while delivering treats. Are both leashes in one hand? Is one leash in each hand? How do you juggle the treat? Get your rhythm down without the dogs first.

Tip 4: Teach the double leash walking skill to your dogs separately first - one dog at a time

Turns out the key to successfully teaching two dogs to walk on leash politely is actually teaching one dog to walk on leash politely twice.

What does that actually mean?

You will want to leash train your dogs individually on separate walks to really know each of your dogs' walking personalities and get them as rock solid on leash as possible.

That’s because the presence of the other dog TOTALLY changes the game! By taking the time to practice walking each dog separately first, you’re setting them up to succeed by creating a strong reinforcement history (with their favorite reward - aka high-value treats).

Try this

Leash train each dog individually first before walking them together. If you haven't yet, start at the beginning of this loose leash walking training series with each dog one at a time.


Tip 5: Rebuild leash manners with both dogs present

Once you have worked with each dog, starting with lower distraction environments and working up to “real world” setups, you can start training with both dogs. BUT as always, when you’re increasing difficulty in one way, it’s important to make it easier in other ways. So start again in those lower distraction settings and practice together. Build back up to “real life” walks! 

Try this

Start walking with your two dogs together but go back to the easier environments. Maybe start in your house, then when you and your dogs are comfortable and seeing success, graduate to your backyard. Start out with short walks. Keeping in mind your dogs' being successful is more important than getting from point A to B.

Bonus tip for dog and human parents: Adding a baby or child to the walking-two-dogs mix

This may not be applicable for you, but in the video below, I’m training both dogs and have a baby on my chest. Adding the baby to the picture is another game-changer, and I highly recommend doing some more practice work to get the dogs used to the changes.

Try this

Whether you plan on baby-wearing, or using a stroller, those are big changes that are worth rehearsing before the real deal arrives. Using a stuffy or doll in the wrap is one way to mimic baby-wearing. Pushing an empty stroller is a great way to practice, too. This practice is not only for your dog, but also for you! The presence of a little one totally changes the mechanics, so you can make sure you’re delivering smoothly by working on it ahead of time.


Have fun with your double (or more) dog walks!

Note: I am using the verbal marker "yes" in this video instead of a clicker.

Learn how to walk two dogs at once with ease! These tips will help you master the art of leash walking with multiple dogs to make walking two dogs a fun and enjoyable experience.

Choose how you’d like to view this guide’s video.

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Next up in the Walking Channel on Dogly

Congrats! Your dog now knows the basics of loose leash walking, how to not pull in distraction-free and distraction-filled environments, and how to walk nicely beside you even with a second dog. If you haven't gone through all of the guides in the Walking Channel here on Dogly yet, I highly recommend you do that.

Start your training in the Walking Channel or sign up to work with me 1-1 if you need more personalized help.

Tressa Fessenden-McKenzie of PathandPaw

Training Advocate
Dogly loves Tressa because she sees training as a journey to better canine communication.

Tressa guides you

Anxiety - Kids & Dogs - Manners - Bite Prevention - Reactivity - Walking

Tressa is certified

Karen Pryor Academy Certified Training Partner - & Family Paws Parent Educator