Banana Part 1 - How to Safely Feed it to Dogs
with Alicia Boemi of HolisticPetWellness, Wellness Advocate

The Healthy Foods 101 series will focus on approaching different foods from a truly holistic perspective. Instead of just feeding a fruit because 'there's leftover' or 'it seems healthy', let's dive into the details of how different specific foods can affect our dogs. Every food has negatives and positives and can also help with certain conditions or work against them.

For the first few lessons I am going to take a close look at the banana. Once we get through the first few lessons about bananas you will have an in-depth look at how to analyze a food for your dog. This will setup the framework for us to go into covering other fruits once a week.

Here is the outline for what the entire workshop on bananas will look like:

  • How can dogs safely eat bananas

  • Nutritional information and how dogs benefit from the nutrients in bananas

  • Medical and lifestyle conditions that could benefit from bananas

  • Incorporating bananas into the diet or as a treat

  • Treat recipes

I'll see you for the next lesson on diving into nutritional information of bananas!

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Alicia Boemi of HolisticPetWellness

Wellness Advocate
Dogly loves Alicia because she gives dog parents tools to be proactive and feel reassured in their dog's health journey.

Alicia guides you

Basic Nutrition - Home Cooking - Joint Support - Life Stage Feeding - Aromatherapy - Herbs

Alicia is certified

Canine Nutrition & Massage Therapy - Canine & Equine Aromatherapy - Canine Herbalism