14 Guides to Help You Overcome Symptoms of Dog Allergies
Step 1 of 19 in the Dogly Allergies Channel
with Cory & Jane of Dogly

Is your dog suffering from itchy skin, persistent paw-licking, gastrointestinal issues, and other symptoms of dog allergies?

So many dog parents struggle with finding real answers to help their dogs overcome allergies in the moment and for the long term. That's why we brought together Dogly Nutrition and Wellness Advocates (all certified canine nutritionists) to share step-by-step guides with everything you need to know to help prevent and overcome your dog's allergies.

Here's an overview of the 14 step-by-step guides from canine nutritionists in the Allergies Channel here on Dogly.

Jump into each guide directly above or you can see all of the guides in the Allergies Channel here on Dogly as well as activities to overcome your dog's allergies and sensitivities, or you can ask questions in the Community discussion.

Here's a quick overview of each guide below...


Dog Allergies Guide 1: How to Figure Out Why Your Dog is Itching

Many of our dogs suffer from incessant itching and other frustrating issues that often go with it from paw-licking to teary eyes. It's hard on your dog - and hard on you to see your dog feeling miserable as you search for answers to make it all better.

That's why this guide was created - to help you ask all the right questions to get to the underlying cause and set your dog up to feel and be well.

In this step-by-step guide from canine nutritionist and Dogly Wellness Advocate Allison Shalla, you'll learn:

7 questions & answers to help overcome your dog's allergies...

  • What is an allergy exactly?
  • How do you know what type of “allergies” your dog is suffering from, or if it's even an allergy at all?
  • Can a dog suffer from both food and environmental allergies?
  • What is a food allergy exactly?
  • What are environmental allergies and how do they differ from food allergies?
  • Do the foods we give our dogs impact environmental allergies they may have?
  • What about contact allergies, allergic dermatitis, and how contact with allergens affects your dog's skin and beyond?

Check out this step-by-step guide here to understand how to decode your dog's itchiness. Or continue on to the overview of the next guide on spotting misdiagnosed allergies so you can match the true cause with solutions.

Dog Allergies Guide 2: How to Spot Misdiagnosed Allergies

Several common issues show up in our dogs with allergy-like reactions and can often be misdiagnosed as an allergy with a different root cause and different solution. Learn how to spot these in your dog so you can get a jump on the right solution to match the real cause and get your dog well earlier!

In this guide from canine nutritionist and Dogly Nutrition Advocate Allison Shalla, you'll learn:

8 common itchy, inflammatory problems often misdiagnosed that every dog parent should know...

  • Flea allergy dermatitis - 3 signs to watch for in your dog to address an acute allergic reaction from flea allergies
  • Yeast overgrowth - 5 symptoms to watch for in your dog
  • Triggers in your dog's environment for your pup's allergies - 4 types to watch for to get you started
  • Medications to be mindful of - flea/tick meds, flavored oral medications, etc
  • Changes in weather/climate
  • Breed/breed mix predisposition
  • Fungal & bacterial infections
  • Nutrient deficiencies or excesses in your dog's food

Jump to this guide here to learn everything you need to know about spotting the true cause behind each of these problems. Or continue to the next guide overview in this channel where you'll learn more about that all-important factor in allergic reactions - histamine.


Dog Allergies Guide 3: What You Need to Know about Histamine

Most of us as dog parents and humans with our own allergies are familiar with ANTI-histamines, but we don't know a lot about histamines and the role they play in triggering all those uncomfortable dog allergy symptoms like itchy skin, inflammation, and teary eyes.

In this guide, canine nutritionist and Dogly Nutrition Advocate Savannah Welna, teaches you:

3 keys to histamine all dog parents of itchy dogs should know...

  • The histamine "bucket" and how avoiding overflow can prevent your dog's symptoms and support a healthy immune system, healthy skin and coat.
  • Nutrients and foods in your dog's diet recommended for dogs with itchy skin
  • Higher histamine foods to be aware of to avoid an allergic reaction

Also - pro tips on balancing histamine with raw diets, probiotics, along with what every dog parent should know about drug interactions with histamine.

Visit this guide here to learn everything you need to know about histamines and your dog's allergies. Or continue to the next guide overview in this channel where you'll learn more about how to get started using natural solutions for allergies.

Dog Allergies Guide 4: Get Started with Natural Solutions for Allergies

Many dog parents wonder if their dog's allergies can be handled naturally. The answer is yes. This step-by-step guide shows you how to do it and why it matters.

This guide from canine nutritionist and Dogly Nutrition Advocate Allison Shalla teaches you:

  • What to use and why for seasonal allergies
  • How to make simple apple cider vinegar and herb rinses - how and when to use them
  • Recommended herbal products & nutrient supplements for allergies in dogs and where you can find them in foods
  • How to use antihistamines and when to consult your vet
  • Which foods are high in histamines so you can limit/avoid them
  • Why you should weigh pros & cons of medications and allergy shots with your vet
  • What an elimination diet trial is and a 5-step plan if you choose to do one

Jump to this guide here to learn what you can do to address your dog's itchiness naturally. Or continue to the next guide overview in this channel where you'll learn more about how to use natural solutions for itchy skin.

Dog Allergies Guide 5: Get Started with Natural Solutions for Itchy Skin

Frustrating and often painful itchy skin can be caused by more than the usual allergy suspects. From fleas to yeast infections to nutrient deficiencies, we take a look at what's behind the itch and what you can do about it.

What you'll learn in this guide from canine nutritionist and Dogly Wellness Advocate Allison Shalla:

  • How to prevent and manage flea allergy dermatitis from flea bites (Includes steps to strict flea control and elimination once they're present)
  • How to overcome yeast infections with a 4-step plan including a recipe for baking soda/apple cider vinegar rinse
  • How to spot everyday toxins (detergents, etc) plus effective, safe replacements
  • How to be aware of weather/climate changes and protect paws/skin
  • Why to be aware of breed/breed mix predispositions
  • What to do about bacterial and fungal infections
  • How to spot and address nutrient deficiencies or excesses

Check out this guide here to learn what you can do to address your dog's itchiness naturally. Or continue to the next guide overview where you'll learn more about how to strengthen your dog's immune system to fight allergies.

Dog Allergies Guide 6: Strengthen Your Dog's Immune System to Overcome Allergies

A strong, balanced immune system can arm your dog against the onslaught of allergies. That's why this guide explains how to add immune-boosting foods and reduce allergens in your dog's life.

In this step-by-step guide from canine nutritionist and Dogly Nutrition Advocate Alex Eaton you'll learn:

3 ways to strengthen your dog's immune system against allergies naturally...

  • Rethink your dog's diet - look at your dog's food with a nutritionist's eye, especially your protein sources
  • Reduce environmental allergies affecting your dog - 3 ways to reduce offending allergens
  • Balance your dog's food with easy add-ons - includes Alex's 6 favorite immune-boosting foods

Go to this guide here to learn what you can do to boost your dog's immune system to prevent and fight allergies. Or continue to the next guide overview in this channel where you'll learn more on overcoming seasonal allergies naturally.


Dog Allergies Guide 7: How to Naturally Overcome Seasonal Allergies

As seasonal allergies seem to be becoming more common in dogs, more dog parents are asking how to address them naturally before getting into the cycle of allergy shots, skin testing, and medications. You'll learn what you need to know to do exactly that - and why it matters.

In this step-by-step guide from canine nutritionist and Dogly Nutrition Advocate Brittany Evans, you'll learn:

  • Why treating seasonal allergies naturally matters
  • 3 go-to herbs to heal (not just hide) allergies + how to make a natural "soak" for your dog's paws
  • 3 easy things to do with your dog to clean allergens from paws, ears, and skin

See this guide here to learn how to manage your dog's seasonal allergies naturally. Or continue to the next guide overview in this channel where you'll get answers to whether allergy testing could be worth it for your dog.

Dog Allergies Guide 8: How to Know if Dog Allergy Tests Are Worth It

Finding what's really causing your dog's allergic reactions can seem daunting, and many dog parents wonder if allergy tests are worth trying. We dive into what you need to know to make the right decision to help your dog.

In this guide, canine nutritionist and Dogly Nutrition Advocate Alex Eaton takes you through:

Whether an allergy test, and which one, makes sense for your dog...

  • Blood tests: accuracy, ease of use
  • Saliva and hair tests: accuracy, ease of use
  • Skin tests: accuracy, risks, expense/discomfort involved

You'll learn when and why you might want to use each type of pet allergy test for your individual dog, which test Alex rarely recommends, along with her recommendation for your always-good starting point.

Jump to this guide here for what you need to know about allergy testing for your dog. Or continue to the next guide overview in this channel on how to address environmental allergies with food choices.

Dog Allergies Guide 9: How to Manage Environmental Allergies with Food

Using food as a solution to get on top of allergies isn't just for food allergies. Environmental allergies and seasonal allergies are impacted by your food choices too. Welcome to what you need to know about food, histamines, and preventing/managing your dog's environmental allergies.

In this guide, canine nutritionist and Dogly Advocate Savannah Welna teaches you:

  • How to visualize your dog's "histamine bucket" to choose foods that will balance immune responses
  • Which foods are high in histamines
  • Which foods are low-histamine
  • How to prepare foods to keep histamine levels lower

Check out this guide here for what you need to know to use food as a tool to manage your dog's environmental allergies. Or continue to the next guide overview in this channel on how to be aware of environmental toxins lurking around us.

Dog Allergies Guide 10: How to Be Aware of Environmental Toxins

Environmental toxins and allergens are everywhere in our homes, and our dogs' paws and super-sniffer noses are ground zero for picking them up and inhaling them. By being aware of them and making simple choices, you can significantly reduce or eliminate them in your home and on your dog.

In this step-by-step guide from canine nutritionist and Dogly Nutrition Advocate Brittany Evans, you'll learn:

  • How dust mites are present in all our homes and ways to significantly reduce them
  • Which types of candles and scented items to avoid and which are best for allergen-free air
  • How to clean your home without introducing toxins/allergens at the same time

And bonus to keep your dog clean naturally: easy recipes for homemade rinses and paw-soaks, along with recommended all-natural shampoos to keep allergens off your pup.

Visit this guide here for what you need to know to use food as a tool for managing allergies. Or continue to the next guide overview on how to eliminate everyday toxins around us.

Dog Allergies Guide 11: How to Eliminate Environmental Toxins

Whether in your home or the larger world around you, you can make simple changes to control your dog's exposure as much as possible. We dive into five changes you can make - what and why - to eliminate everyday not-so-visible toxins and help protect your dog from allergies toxin-linked diseases.

What you'll learn from this step-by-step guide from canine nutritionist and Dogly Nutrition Advocate Allison Shalla:

5 simple changes to get rid of everyday toxins...

  • How to go green and clean your dog's bowl
  • How to choose and clean dog toys to avoid toxins/allergens
  • How you can clean laundry and household items without chemicals
  • How to keep your home's air fresh and free of toxins
  • What to watch out for in lawn & garden products - everywhere

Check out this guide here for what you need to know to get everyday toxins out of your and your dog's life. Or continue to the next guide overview in this channel to learn about food allergies and your dog.


Dog Allergies Guide 12: How to Know If Your Dog Has Food Allergies

Do gastrointestinal issues, a paw-licking habit, or other behaviors have you suspecting your dog has a food allergy? It's important to know what you're dealing with to treat your dog effectively. That's why this guide teaches you how to know if it's a food allergy or something else, and what to do next.

In this step-by-step guide from canine nutritionist and Dogly Nutrition Advocate Alex Eaton, you'll learn:

  • How to know if it's a food allergy/sensitivity or something else
  • Common symptoms of food allergies and what to watch for
  • Ingredient watch-outs to know when fighting food allergies
  • A little myth-busting on allergy timing
  • Holistic vs conventional approaches
  • The good news about food and dealing with allergic reactions

Visit this guide here for what you need to know about your dog and food allergies. Or continue to the next guide overview in this channel to learn about how to get a good handle on your dog's symptoms.

Dog Allergies Guide 13: How to Assess Your Dog's Allergy Symptoms

Understanding your dog's allergy symptoms and what's causing them isn't always easy or clear. This guide gives you a canine nutritionist's take on how to decode your dog's symptoms and what steps to take to help support your dog to get past them.

What you'll learn in this guide from canine nutritionist and Dogly Nutrition Advocate Alex Eaton:

  • 5 most common environmental allergens to be aware of
  • 5 common food allergens for dogs to watch for
  • 10 early allergy symptoms to act on asap
  • What's happening biochemically in your dog's body with an allergic reaction
  • What to do/not do to help your dog's allergies
  • 5 inflammation-reducers to add to your dog's bowl
  • Why keeping your dog at ideal weight reduces allergy symptoms

Go to this guide here for what you need to know about your dog's allergy symptoms and how you can support your pup. Or continue to the next guide overview in this channel to learn about how to choose the best food to overcome your dog's food allergies.

Dog Allergies Guide 14: How to Choose the Best Dog Food for Food Allergies

Choosing the right food for your dog can be confusing enough, but when you have a food-sensitive, allergy-prone dog it's even more challenging. Not to worry - this step-by-step guide arms you with the answers you need to make the best choices for your dog.

In this final guide in the Allergies Channel, here's what you'll learn from canine nutritionist and Dogly Nutrition Advocate Alex Eaton:

  • How to spot undesirable ingredients on dog food packaging
  • Brown rice and chicken for sensitive stomachs -yay or nay?
  • When to do an elimination diet food trial for allergy-affected dogs
  • The best foods for dogs with sensitive stomachs or food allergies
  • Must-have ingredients to look for in natural food that aid digestion and support your dog's immune system
  • What to look for in 3 types of dog food (freeze-dried/air-dried, wet, prepared homemade diets)
  • Tips on your own homemade dog food
  • 5 immune-boosting toppers to add to your dog's food

Go to this guide here to learn everything you need to know about choosing the right foods to overcome your dog's food allergies.

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That's the Allergies Channel here on Dogly

If you've gone through each guide in the Allergies Channel, you should have a good understanding of how you can support your dog in multiple ways to overcome pet allergies from the root cause to outward symptoms. Congrats!

If you're just getting started, that's ok too! Start with understanding how to figure out why your dog is itching and finish with choosing the best food for your dog's food allergy - and enjoy learning all the tips and information on allergies in between.

Allergies is just one of many channels here on Dogly. Be sure to check out the other channels like Dental Health in Wellness or Manners in Training or Basic Nutrition in Nutrition to learn everything you need to know about your dog's nutrition, training, and overall wellness.

And, as always, you can speak with or work with any of the Advocates on Dogly if you ever need more personalized help. Don't go through stuff alone with your dog, we're here for you!

Cory & Jane of Dogly

Dogly started with our own dogs and quickly became about yours. We want our dogs to live long and we want them to live well, to go where we go and do more together with us. That’s why we created Dogly. To help you live well with your dog.