8 Misdiagnosed Allergies in Dogs & How To Spot Them
Step 4 of 19 in the Dogly Allergies Channel
with Allison Shalla of homeoPAWthic, Wellness Advocate

We've talked about the three key types of allergies in dogs - environmental allergies, food allergies/sensitivities, and contact allergies...

Now, this is a good time to be aware of other common itchy, inflammatory problems that are often misdiagnosed and have different root causes from the usual dog allergies. And may have very different solutions to getting and keeping your dogs well!

Here's how to arm yourself with the questions and answers that can help you and your dog get on top of allergies before you start on the long road to allergy shots or medications.

Often misdiagnosed issues every dog parent should know...


#1 Common allergy issue: flea allergy dermatitis 

A leading (and frustrating!) cause for itchiness in dogs, fleas can trigger an allergic reaction through flea bites. As with other pet allergies, flea allergy dermatitis in affected dogs is the body’s immune response to a substance – in this case, flea saliva injected into a dog’s skin when the flea bites.

Even one flea bite can cause flea allergies and itching for days. (Commonly affected areas with flea allergy dermatitis tend to be your dog's lower body and around the base of the tail.)

What to watch for with your dog

It's possible to have a flea infestation and NOT see fleas on your dog. Fleas only remain on your dog long enough to feed, so they can easily be missed.

  • One tell-tale sign you have a flea infestation is if YOU have mysterious itchy bites, particularly around your ankles. If you start to itch too, look at the possibility that you're dealing with fleas. Quick and strict flea control at the first sign is a must for fast-multiplying fleas as you attend to your possibly allergic dog.

  • Here’s the kicker - dogs with other forms of allergies, such as environmental, tend to be more sensitive to flea bites. So you could be dealing with a double-whammy of itch. Another reason to set your dog up for a strong immune system ahead of time by keeping an eye out for everyday environmental allergens you can control!

  • Other bug bites: dogs can also react to bites from other bugs like blackflies. Blackfly bites are often misdiagnosed as tick bites, because they appear with a red “bullseye” ring, one sign of a tick bite in humans. But, tick bites on dogs actually don't produce a red bullseye. If you see red bullseye type marks on your dog – most commonly the belly, it's likely a common pest like the Blackfly.

#2 Common allergy issue: yeast overgrowth 

Many dogs with “allergic reaction” symptoms actually turn out to have yeast overgrowth from being in warm, moist environments where yeast loves to grow, having skin folds (including floppy ears), or taking antibiotics. Dogs who are stressed and have compromised immune systems are also very susceptible to yeast.

What to watch for in your dog

In most dogs, yeast overgrowth symptoms can look a lot like dog allergy symptoms.

Does your dog have any of these "allergy" symptoms:

  • Itching, particularly on the stomach, sides/armpits and paws
  • Licking of the paws incessantly
  • Ear discharge, often dark-colored
  • A cheesy, bread-like smell on the body (more than the normal “Fritos” feet smell )
  • What appears to be hyperpigmentation (darkened skin) on the belly and/or pink skin

In many cases, yeast is a secondary problem to something else, like food allergies, fleas, etc. But once the yeast overgrowth begins, it takes hold and spreads quickly. Once there, it can be a challenge to get rid of. Dogs can itch for several weeks post-treatment, and it is not an easy fix.

Spoiler alert – it involves a lot of bathing and application of topical products – but it IS treatable with some patience and dedication. We will get to that later in the Allergies Channel here on Dogly.


#3 Common allergy issue: triggers in your pup's environment for your dog's symptoms

SO many things we barely notice in our dog's world can trigger allergic reactions that can present like skin allergies, seasonal allergies, allergic dermatitis, etc.

What to watch for with your dog

We covered many of these in our contact allergy and environmental/inhalant allergy discussion in the previous guide. They're often misdiagnosed because they are so easy to miss.

That's what makes it so important to keep an active eye out for what can seem like an otherwise harmless substance even BEFORE they're an issue for your dog:

  • detergents & cleaning products with harsh chemicals
  • cigarette smoke
  • artificially scented products
  • lawn care products (pesticides, herbicides)

And the list goes on... take a look at my other guide going green to help edit these common toxins from your dog's environment (and yours!)

Less common, but often overlooked causes behind your dog's allergic reactions...

#4 Medications 

Flavored medications often contain artificial flavorings that can trigger allergic reactions in dogs.

Also, common flea & tick preventatives can cause adverse reactions. You can read my guide on ditching the chemicals here to learn more about products that can cause adverse reactions in pets, particularly allergic dogs, as warned by the FDA.

(One of my own dogs, Carli, lost all her fur as the result of one of these products and we haven't used chemical preventatives since. Instead we use a multi-layered approach with natural tick products that have kept our three dogs tick-free for five years now. More on fleas and ticks prevention specifically in the Fleas & Ticks Channel here.)

#5 Change in weather/climate 

I've worked with many rescue dogs who have moved from one climate to another (warm island weather to Canada's cold, for example). It can take some time for the skin to acclimate to a new climate causing dry, itchy skin (from a hot/humid to cold move) or the reverse causing moist, yeasty, itchy skin and ear infections (from cold to warm/humid).


#6 Breed predisposition 

Some breeds are known to be predisposed to skin sensitivity: West Highland White Terriers, Wire-haired Fox Terriers, Golden Retrievers, Labrador Retrievers, Lhasa Apsos, Bulldogs, English Setters, Boxers, Dalmatians, Shar-Peis, and more. Also, so-called “blue” dogs, diluted-colored dogs, and light-colored dogs can be more prone to skin issues. Plus the mixes of all these breeds. Needless to say, it's a long list!

#7 Fungal & bacterial infections 

Bacterial & fungal infections of all kinds can present similarly to allergies with various allergic symptoms: like your dog's itching, irritated skin, scaling, red bumps/pustules, or hair loss. These infections and related skin symptoms need to be determined by a veterinarian (often using a skin scrape test) and will need medication to be treated properly.

#8 Nutrient deficiencies or excesses in your dog's food

Signs of this can present in many different ways, from lameness to vision problems, but also with skin and coat issues. Whether a commercial diet with deficiencies or a homemade diet that has not been formulated by a professional and balanced with essential nutrients, it's critical to ensure you are meeting all the recommended amounts of the vitamins and minerals essential to your dog’s body function.

Beware of home-cooked recipes shared online from well-meaning pet parents who aren't trained in nutrition requirements that meet your dog's needs to be healthy. Good, clean nutrition is one of the best tools we have to set up our dogs for a strong, preventive immune system. We all know our dog's healthy immune system protects our pups against disease and conditions like allergies.

Next up in the Allergies Channel on Dogly

Now that you've learned additional reasons your dog could be itching, keep going in the next step-by-step guide to learn what you need to know about histamine for your dog's itchy skin. From food allergies to flea allergy dermatitis to a common allergen in your home, it's all covered in the Allergies Channel.

Hop over to the Allergies Channel if you'd like to ask a question in the Community discussion or start any of the other step-by-step guides in Seasonal Allergies, Environmental Allergies, and Food Allergies.

And if you ever need more personalized wellness help, please reach out!

Allison Shalla of homeoPAWthic

Wellness Advocate
Dogly loves Allison because of her passion for using food to keep our dogs well and handling issues like ticks naturally.

Allison guides you

Allergies - Basic Nutrition - Fleas & Ticks - Vaccines Safety - Holistic Care - Natural Wellness

Allison is certified

Certified Canine Nutritionist - Diploma in Canine Studies