About Us

Faithful Friends Animal Society



Faithful Friends was founded in 2000, as Citizens for the Protection and Care of Animals, by a group of local animal lovers who believe there is a better way to address the problem of pet homelessness than mass euthanasia. At that time, 80-90% of animals entering shelters did not make it out alive.

Currently, about 16,000 pets become homeless in Delaware and over 5,000 are destroyed in Delaware’s publicly funded shelters. The vast majority of these pets are destroyed because of space limitations, behavioral issues and medical challenges.

Pet overpopulation and homelessness is a community problem, not a shelter problem. It takes a unified effort within the community to solve the problem and to do so in a humane, effective manner.

Faithful Friends is committed to the national no-kill goal for the entire state. This state goal is in line with the goal set by Best Friends Animal Society to make our nation and no-kill nation! This means that we are committed to working for a day when all Delaware shelters save ALL healthy, treatable and trainable animals, resulting in a 90% or higher save rate.

Faithful Friends is also committed to fight for the welfare of animals in all local shelters, so that all pets in our community receive the treatment and care they deserve. We hope you will join this effort!