
Milk Thistle Supplement

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About this product

Maintains healthy liver function.

Milk thistle also protects the liver from harmful effects of exposure to toxic chemicals & helps your pet through a liver damage or disease crisis. It may prove helpful for treating liver tumors, cancers, and skin problems that are secondary to liver disease.

Pets who have been on allopathic drugs, heartworm medication, dewormers, vaccinations, anticonvulsive drugs or chemotherapy might benefit from this herb as well.

Product Details

  • Primary Medicinal Activities: Protects & strengthens the liver

  • Strongest Affinities: Liver

Milk thistle should not be used as a daily food supplement. It is best reserved for situations in which the liver is already under abnormal stress. It is unnecessary unless there is a real and present need.

In cases in which stress on the liver is suspected but not yet serious, the alcohol extract can be administered at a starting dose of 1/4 teaspoon per 20 lbs of your pet's weight. Before feeding, dilute each dose with an equal amount or more of water to make the tincture more palatable. The tincture can then be added to your pet's food. In any suspected case of liver disease, a holistic veterinarian should be consulted before proceeding with the use of milk thistle or any herb.


  • Milk Thistle Seed Extract
  • Silymarin
  • Vegetable Glycerin USP
  • Distilled Water

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