The Fire Element
with RannaLynn of HippieHoundz, Wellness Advocate

The Fire Element is related to the season of summer and linked to our "circulation" system in the heart & pericardium. Our fire traits give us the ability to connect to others & ourselves. The main emotion associated with this element is joy and the stress response is panic

Light Shade: To be present & true to understanding at our core.

Shadow Shade: Can panic & feel betrayed without trust.

Fire elements are the happiest dogs you’ve ever seen, except when their mom isn’t around. Then they get anxious, hyperactive, barking hysterically, sometimes driving themselves into a tantrum until they can barely breathe. They tend to dream excessively, talking and paddling in her sleep appearing restless. In balance they are outgoing, bright, social, expressive, excited, strong and fast. Typically bouncy and wild. When out of balance they can be irritable, jealous, sometimes having a high body temp and/or skin conditions. 

Can you see any Fire characteristics in your dog?

RannaLynn of HippieHoundz

Wellness Advocate
Dogly loves RannaLynn because she helps us keep our dogs well, connecting us with them on a deeper level in the process.

RannaLynn guides you

Traditional Chinese Medicine - Energy Healing - Massage - Anxiety - Meditation - Reiki

RannaLynn is certified

Certified Canine Massage Practitioner - Certified Animal Naturopath - Healing Touch For Animals Practitioner - Animal Kinesiologist - Usui Animal Reiki Master - And Member of the Veterinary Medical Association of Aromatherapy