Puppy FAQs & Biscuits
with Ruby Leslie of WelfareForAnimals, Training Advocate

Recorded on
Wednesday, Jul 28, 9 PM EDT

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It's summer, so you're hot, tired, hungry, have a puppy, and lots of questions.

For our COOKING & TRAINING series with Dogly- we will focus on your puppy FAQs while teaching you how to bake our signature peanut butter dog biscuits

This first session is free and will be a maximum of 1hr. Shortly, we will post a recipe list in our Dogly community (free for all) and an idea of what you should prepare in advance.

Have your puppy FAQs ready, and if you can- send them via PM to Dogly or me in advance so we can cover them.

Some of the topics we will discuss will include:

  • mouthing
  • toilet training
  • meeting a puppy's needs
  • what is socialization?
  • how to help a fearful puppy

Save the date- July 8th at 6pm MTN!

Ruby Leslie of WelfareForAnimals

Training Advocate
Dogly loves Ruby because she brings her rescue experiences to our dogs - to increase our bond, decrease behavior issues.

Ruby guides you

New Dogs - Manners - Enrichment - Reactivity - Barking - Walking

Ruby is certified

Low Stress Handling - Fear Free Veterinary Professional - Fear Free Shelters - Shelter Welfare - Enrichment - & Canine Behaviour