Pre & Post Vet Care Support for Your Dog
with Brittany Evans of CaninesHouseOfNutrition, Nutrition Advocate

Hello my friends! A few days ago I held a support group relating to pre and post vet care, and how we can support our dogs naturally through stressful events, as well as boost their immune system. Our dog's response to stressful events, whether that be the vet, fireworks, thunderstorms, people, other dogs...etc. stem from the sympathetic division of the nervous system and is the involuntary and subconscious response of a dog that leads to fight or flight mode. In the fight or flight mode, our dog's have an increase in energy and adrenaline, and an increase in cortisol is released. These factors cause the dog's body functions to shut down that aren't needed in times of stress, like the digestion and reproduction systems. All of these things diminish the immune system so we want to help the body function properly again, promote healing, and keep the immune system strong. Therefore, our jobs as guardians is to support our dogs through this process and fuel them with food, herbs and plants that will work with the natural rhythms of their body to overcome these stressors. And the best part is, all of these protocols I am about to share are recommended for humans too! So please keep in mind that if you buy an herbal tincture for your dog, give a little love to your dog, and also to yourself.

As a general comment - these protocols are on the premise of a primarily healthy dog, not necessarily for dogs with serious ailments as a more in-depth protocol would need to be tailored for that dog's needs.

Pre-Vet Care

1.) Echinacea - this herb is an immunotonic and natural antibiotic for viruses, bacteria, infections and fungi. This herbs greatest affinity is to boost the immune system AHEAD of stressful events when the immune system can be under attack. Echinacea's usefulness depends on a healthy immune system because without uncompromised antibodies to work with, Echinacea's capacity to fight infection is limited so timing is crucial.

--> Give tincture dosage starting 3 days before vet visit, the day of the visit, and continue 3 days after the visit to support the immune system.

--> This herbs should NOT be used for dogs suffering from autoimmune diseases, leukemia or diabetes.

2.) CBD oil - assists anxiety in the forms of separation anxiety, aggression, fear and noise phobia. CBD oil also has cancer fighting properties, it's anti-inflammatory, treats seizures and epilepsy and is used for pain management. So if any of these ailments apply to your dog, please consider using CBD oil daily. The potency and effectiveness of CBD oil is determined by quality. One company I really like is Four Leaf Rover.

--> Give dosage an hour before vet visit

3.) Other herbal remedies

--> Tinctures that include chamomile, skullcap and valerian are really great for stressful events because they are all sedatives, nervines and natural relaxants. so they will help your dog get through the visit. I personally like the combination chamomile and valerian for more frantic energy, and chamomile and skullcap for more nervous energy.

Bone broth is my go-to for any type of healing because it is soothing to the gut and supports overall immune function. So make sure you have bone broth on hand to give your dog a few days before the visit, and continue a few days after the visit.

Spend some time manifesting the best possible outcome of the visit and keep a positive mindset for your dog. All energy is transferable, so keeping yourself balanced will keep your dog balanced.

For anyone who is interested - I do make my own herbal tinctures for humans and for dogs with certified organic ingredients :) I am in the process of updating my website (as usual), but I do have 1 fluid ounce tinctures available in the following:

  • Echinacea
  • Burdock Root
  • Turmeric Root
  • Chamomile + Skullcap

I have many others, and make special blends based on a dog's individual needs, so please reach out if you are interested!

In my next post I will go into post-vet care, so stay tuned!

Thank you all for being here! Blessings <3

Brittany Evans of CaninesHouseOfNutrition

Nutrition Advocate
Dogly loves Brittany because she shows us how we can help our dogs live truly well with the right nutrition for their whole lives.

Brittany guides you

Home Cooking - Basic Nutrition - Herbs - Joint Health - Detoxing - Gut Health

Brittany is certified

Certified Canine Nutrition & Health - Certified Raw Dog Food Nutrition Specialist - Usui Reiki Practitioner - Certified Canine Herbalist