Love Your Muzzle Part 3
with Tiffany Baker of BossBabeDogTraining, Training Advocate

Love Your Muzzle: Part 3


Steps we’ve taken so far: 

✨Mark & reward engagement with the muzzle (touch, sniff, lick)

✨Once dog offers the behavior of putting the tip of their nose into the muzzle, that’s your new criteria: Nose in muzzle.

✨Duration. Lengthen the time of their nose in the muzzle (1 sec, 2sec, 3 sec, etc)+ mark & reward

✨Strap movement. Scratch under the chin around the straps. Move one side of the strap + reward. Other strap + reward. Buckle + reward x3. Unbuckle + reward.

Pro tip: when treating, cup the bottom of muzzle in your palm to hold still and then offer treat to prevent frustration. 

✨Duration in fully buckled muzzle. Reward frequently once muzzle is buckled. Remove + reward again (toss treat away). Slowly Space out frequency of reward.

✨Small movements. Cues your dog is familiar with can be helpful. Many dogs start to struggle once they are moving in the muzzle, so start small. We chose to do sit, down, come (2-3 steps).

⭐️Remember: go at your dog’s pace. They decide how quickly or slowly you move through this process. It’s important to go back and forth between steps to prevent frustration and a discouraged dog (and handler). For example, do some small movements, and then go back to a step like nose in muzzle (something very easy for them) to keep them encouraged and engaged. 

Happy training! ❤️


Tiffany Baker of BossBabeDogTraining

Training Advocate
Dogly loves Tiffany because she trains adoptable dogs to be more so, then happy in homelife - and shows how with our dogs.

Tiffany guides you

New Dogs - Reactivity - Puppies - Manners - Aggression - Muzzles

Tiffany is certified

Certified Behavior Consultant Canine (CBCC-KA) - Licensed Family Paws Parent Educator