Healing the Forever Upset Tummy
with Geet Rao of PetKitchen, Nutrition Advocate

If you are a dog parent, it is likely that your dog will show an upset stomach sometime.

While many times, dogs heal quickly, they often can also have a chronically stressed digestive system.

It can be quite frustrating to try to help a dog with a prolonged upset stomach.

Food sensitivities are often the culprits in upset digestion. While it may not be possible to take expensive allergy tests, maintaining a dog gut journal may help you identify what is troubling your dog easily.

A dog gut journal can be the first step to diagnosing what your dog may be sensitive to!

Geet Rao of PetKitchen

Nutrition Advocate
Dogly loves Geet because she brings her belief that good nutrition is the foundation of good health to our dogs' daily lives.

Geet guides you

Nutrition - Joint Health - Skin and Hair - Diet/Recipe Plans - Immunity Boosters - Gut Health

Geet is certified

Certified Canine Nutrition - Pursuing Doctoral Studies in Pet Nutrition