The Ultimate Natural Dog Detox: Burdock Root
Step 5 of 7 in the Dogly Herbs Channel
with Brittany Evans of CaninesHouseOfNutrition, Nutrition Advocate

How to use the powerful and healing herb Burdock Root when your dog could benefit from a detoxification from environmental toxins and other harmful substances.

Or when your dog needs support for skin, arthritis, or to reduce inflammation anywhere in your dog's body that's over-taxing your pet's immune system.

Why detoxing matters

All of us dedicated to having healthy pets know that unfortunately we live in a toxic world where allergies and diseases such as cancer are on the rise. It's difficult to completely avoid the many toxic substances in our lives every day -- everything from outdoor toxins like weed killers and other environmental toxins to household cleaners and air fresheners to conventional flea meds and other chemicals.

One of the best things you can do for your pet's health both short and long term is an occasional natural detox as well as planning the detoxification process after an event such as a vaccination.

What is burdock root

Burdock root (Arctium lappa) is an amazing herb that has been used for centuries to help detoxify and cleanse the body. It contains a special set of antioxidants called polyphenols that can help your pet's liver and other organs breakdown, process, and filter out the toxins in its body.

Burdock root also contains an impressive array of vitamins, minerals, and other compounds that are beneficial for your pet's overall health and wellbeing.


How burdock root works to cleanse toxins from your dog

Of the many herbal medicines that can support your dog, burdock root is the ultimate herb to jumpstart the detoxification process. It's my go-to when any problems emerge as it effectively cleans your pet's body from the inside out.

Using burdock root for a liver detox helps prevent disease that may result from environmental toxicity, as it cleanses the blood and liver cells, removing carcinogens, pesticides, chemical residues, heavy metals, and other pollutants in the environment from your dog's liver and bloodstream.

5 key ways burdock root works to support & detox your dog:

1) Cleanses the bloodstream

  • Burdock root detoxifies the body by supporting the liver in ridding the blood of pollutants, toxins and pesticides (especially useful, for example, when switching your dog to a raw diet to allow the body to detox from kibble dog food or recovering from harsh medications or vaccinations).

2) Stimulates the skin's ability to remove toxins through the skin

  • Burdock root is excellent for your pet's skin conditions, arthritis, or other inflammatory issues such as cysts and allergy skin issues or itchy, flaky skin.

3) Provides nutrients for overall health & prevention

  • Burdock root offers a wide range of vitamins and trace minerals including calcium, iron, phosphorus, vitamin C, and B vitamins as well as amino acids needed in your dog's diet.
  • It’s also a great antioxidant, which means it protects your dog's cells (including liver cells) against free radicals that may play a role in disease and illness. Burdock root is also known to increase levels of superoxide dismutase which helps prevent oxidative stress (contributing to diseases from diabetes to cognitive disorders).

4) Holistically addresses metabolic disorders that result in poor waste elimination (liver disease, kidney and bladder diseases)

  • Burdock root is a liver tonic and an extremely safe herb with medicinal attributes that provides the organs with gentle support that promotes healthy liver function in ridding the body of toxins and waste.

5) Supports and calms the GI system

  • Burdock root increases the secretion of digestive enzymes that help your dog break down foods in the GI tract to access nutrients and acts as a source of prebiotic fiber that aids digestion and improves gut health.


How to give your dog burdock root

You can get burdock in tincture form or prepare a medicinal tea out of the dried root. (Mountain Rose Herbs is a great sustainable supplier – their herbs are wild harvested and organic.)

Try this

To make burdock root tea:

  • Combine 1 cup cold filtered* water and 2 teaspoons dried burdock root (*if you're not already using filtered water for all your dog's water, drinking water as well as in food & all ingested water, it's an important, doable change that avoids the many toxins found in our water)
  • Cover and bring to a boil
  • Reduce heat and simmer for 20 minutes
  • Remove from heat and let stand an additional 10 minutes
  • Strain and store in a mason jar or container with a tight lid
  • Add 1 teaspoon of the tea per 10 pounds of body weight to your dog's food.

The tea, if stored in a refrigerator, can be kept for 5 days.

It's common to use burdock root once or twice a week, but if you're addressing more serious health issues, then it can be used daily.


Adverse reactions

Adverse reactions from taking burdock root are extremely rare and can include nausea, vomiting, and/or diarrhea in certain individuals. If your dog experiences any of these symptoms, stop use immediately and consult your veterinarian.

Most dogs tolerate burdock root quite well and will benefit from its wonderful properties of cleansing, detoxing and strengthening the body.

Note: Milk thistle is another herb often suggested to support liver function, and turmeric is an herb highly recommended as an anti-inflammatory to support overall health, a strong immune system, and to address joint issues like arthritis. You can learn more in my guide on turmeric here.

Learn about the powerful dog detox herb, Burdock Root, and how it supports your pet's health by cleansing the body of toxins and harmful substances.

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Next up in the Herbs Channel on Dogly

Now that you know how to use burdock root for detoxing your dog, continue learning about other healing herbs like turmeric which can help with inflammation in the next step-by-step guide.

Or hop over to the Herbs Channel if you'd like to ask a question in the Community discussion and start any of the other step-by-step guides in Healing Herbs.

If you ever need more personalized wellness guidance, please reach out!

Brittany Evans of CaninesHouseOfNutrition

Nutrition Advocate
Dogly loves Brittany because she shows us how we can help our dogs live truly well with the right nutrition for their whole lives.

Brittany guides you

Home Cooking - Basic Nutrition - Herbs - Joint Health - Detoxing - Gut Health

Brittany is certified

Certified Canine Nutrition & Health - Certified Raw Dog Food Nutrition Specialist - Usui Reiki Practitioner - Certified Canine Herbalist