Making Fussy Eaters Better
with Geet Rao of PetKitchen, Nutrition Advocate

Recorded on
Tuesday, Aug 31, 9 PM IST

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Do you have a dog who is a fussy eater? Having a fussy eater can be stressful and often very time consuming. It can take pet parents easily on guilt trips for not being able to feed their dog appropriate nutrition.

Fussy eating is not always a behavioral problem. Often, your dog's preferences may have remained unexplored.

There are ways you can make your fussy eater gobble up some veggies and lick up a new meat! Simple changes go a long way. I would love to help you feed your fussy dog better for a longer life!

Geet Rao of PetKitchen

Nutrition Advocate
Dogly loves Geet because she brings her belief that good nutrition is the foundation of good health to our dogs' daily lives.

Geet guides you

Nutrition - Joint Health - Skin and Hair - Diet/Recipe Plans - Immunity Boosters - Gut Health

Geet is certified

Certified Canine Nutrition - Pursuing Doctoral Studies in Pet Nutrition